
Upcoming Workshops:


Social Emotional Learning Teacher Training Workshop

Sacred Heart School, Hollister, CA - June 6, 2024



I offer comprehensive workshops to parents focusing on three specialty areas; effective communication, positive limit setting and emotional regulation. Focusing on these three areas helps to create the foundation for a strong, solid and positive family dynamic.


Teacher Trainings

I offer specific training to all teachers who work with young children. I educate and support fellow teachers to create positivity and consistency in their professional environments. This allows both adults and children to be set up for success.


Curriculum Writings

I have an extensive written curriculum. I am able to modify current material and or create new material for different organizations and teaching institutions.


Staff Training

I offer specific trainings to organizations that are interested in creating effective communication between professionals.

There is a direct link between improved morale and organizational productivity.


I offer the service of observing children in the school setting. Gathering information about the child in the academic environment is critical to creating a plan that sets them up for success.

School Observations


IEP Support

Creating individualized educational programs for children can be very challenging for parents. I offer support during the entire process, including attendance at critical IEP meetings at the school site.


1-on-1 parent, child, + family

I meet with people in the privacy of my office on Garden Road in Monterey to educate and support them while they are learning to create and maintain a positive family dynamic.


Phone consults

I offer phone support for parents and families who are otherwise not able to meet in person. I also offer conference calls to multiple people in various locations.